CÔNG TY TNHH Ô TÔ BMS Số 102 Ngô Gia Tự, P. Tân An, Tp. Buôn Ma Thuột, Đăk Lăk. |
0799.009.369 | |
0932.38.39.01 | |
cskh@bluechemgroup.vn | |
www.bluechemgroup.vn |
Certified quality
We made it our business to check the effectiveness of our products. The initial certification took place in 1989 conducted by the TÜV according to specially developed test methods. Today there are approved and standardized guidelines for our product testing.
Quality is our prime principle
Made in Germany – The quality seal
The TÜV certification inspection procedure is a 3-months process, which gets accomplished by satisfying a strict list criteria. Completion of the technical inspection gives accreditation to the suppliers of the resources and raw materials prior to shipping, verifying the overall quality and added value of products. The effort was worth it. The certificate was presented, allowing the use of proof of origin "Made in Germany".
TÜV (Association for Technical Inspection) –
Quality, effectiveness and compatibility
Product development requires both proven effectiveness and optimized compatibility in the area of application. As one of the first companies in Germany to do so, our products have been tested and are certified by accredited testing facilities. Since 1998 our products are tested for effectiveness under testing procedures that have been especially developed for our products. Since 2011 our products are tested according to DIN regulations to fulfill the strict requirements of the automobile industry.
But our quality requirement claims more. In addition to the evidence of effectiveness provided by TÜV, we own approved compatibility tests for a big range of our products.
Examples of currently certified products:
- Oil System Cleaner
- Engine Flush
- Fuel System Cleaner
- Fuel Line Cleaner
- Common Rail Highpressure Dieselsystem Clean & Protect
- Nano Engine Protect & Seal
- Nano-Car-Glass Versieglung
Patented – Innovation needs protection
Since February 2002, the company CTP GmbH owns the patent for the „Method and apparatus for removing deposits in internal combustion engines and their uses.“ This is a process for sustainable cleaning of the intake tract with simultaneous purification of the exhaust gas recirculation system.